Star Wars Videogames Sammelthread (aktuell Outlaws)



Jupp, frag ich mich auch.
Bin grad am überlegen ob wir nicht doch für die dunkle Seite bei 00´s Server rumttrollen oder beim gleichen (u.a. wegen Shot First) bleiben


Lebt noch
Server sind noch down und kann noch ca 3 Stunden andauern.

SWTOR Patch 1.0.1 – vorläufige Patch Notes
Classes and Combat
Combat Bug Fixes

Fixed a bug that could cause the global cooldown to display incorrectly in the UI.

Imperial Agent

The tooltip for Acid Blade now displays the correct information.

Companion Characters

Kira Carson
Fixed an issue that could cause Kira’s affection progression to become blocked.

Bug Fixes

Companion Character dialogue now plays at the correct volume.

Crew Skills
Bug Fixes

Corrected an issue that could cause some gathering nodes to appear as unharvestable.

Flashpoints and Operations

Mandalorian Raiders
Crowd control immunity has been removed from several members of the Enemy Boarding Party.

Colicoid War Game
An issue that prevented some players from mounting turrets in this Flashpoint has been corrected.

The Red Reaper
Darth Ikoral now uses his abilities correctly.

Directive 7
Mentor now resets correctly if he defeats the player group.


Eternity Vault
Fixed an issue that could cause players to instantly die when affected by Soa’s knockback.
Turrets in Normal Mode no longer behave as turrets from Hard Mode.
Players are now able to properly obtain loot from chests.
The Ancient Pylons now spawn enemies at the correct intervals.

Karagga’s Palace
Players no longer need to reset this Operation if they do not defeat Bonethrasher.
Corrected an issue that caused some players to become stuck at the throne room door.

Bug Fixes

All players in a group who have a daily Flashpoint mission now get credit for completing that Flashpoint.

Missions and NPCs

A New Master: Defeating Teeno no longer causes him to surrender on top of Phyne, making him difficult to interact with.
General Faraire: All of Khourlet’s Elite Guards are now accessible by the player.

Bug Fixes
Fixed a mission-related issue that could cause poor performance and client crashes on Taris for some players.


Bug Fixes
Corrected several instances of non-interactive NPCs appearing and disappearing from the player’s view.


Rewards for winning Warzones have been increased.
Warzone completion rewards have been decreased.

Bug Fixes

Corrected an issue that could prevent some players from entering the Voidstar.

Bug Fixes

Fixed a bug that could prevent players from accepting pending mission rewards.
Targeting a friendly player no longer occasionally displays incorrect text for the character’s name.
Corrected an issue that could cause some auction expirations to behave incorrectly.
The splash screen no longer displays longer than the “accept changes” dialogue when changing resolutions on some computers.
Master Looter now works correctly for items being looted from chests.
The server select screen no longer displays over the character select after being disconnected for being away.
Corrected an issue that could cause mission mapnotes to disappear when a new mission is obtained.

Miscellaneous Bug Fixes

Special characters no longer display incorrectly in the French credits.
Remaining baby names have been added to the credits.
Corrected a link that displayed in French and German versions when the servers are unavailable.
hab das in Spoiler gesetzt weil der Post sonst extrem lang wär und noch eine News

"...So dürfen wir im nächsten Monat einen neuen Flashpoint und eine erweiterte Operation erleben. Beim neuen Flashpoint wird sich alles um eine Seuche drehen, die erhebliche Auswirkungen auf die ganze Galaxie haben könnte."


Bader schrieb:
Jupp, frag ich mich auch.
Bin grad am überlegen ob wir nicht doch für die dunkle Seite bei 00´s Server rumttrollen oder beim gleichen (u.a. wegen Shot First) bleiben

Seid ihr nicht auch auf Sith Triumvirat?

@Sesqua: Quelle für die erweiterten Wartungsarbeiten?


Ach bist du etwa dort auf der bösen Seite? Hatte es in Erinnerung dass es n anderer Server wäre... denn dann hätte es sich erledigt!


New Member
Und man kann doch trotz PvE nur für die eine Seite spielen oder nicht?


Hm... keine Änderung beim Trooper

-automatisches Feuer und Mörserhagel sind beim BH besser.


New Member
Hello everyone! We are still working on the various items in today’s maintenance and wanted to give you a quick update. We are going to extend today’s maintenance window to ensure we have everything just right before we open the servers. We know you are all eager to return to the game and apologize to you for the interruption. At this time, we do not have an estimate as to when the servers will come back up, but we’ll keep you updated in this thread and will get them up and running as soon as we can. Thank you all for your patience today.
wird länger dauern damit auch alles richtig funktioniert.
Hab noch keine genaue Zeit.